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Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Well-Woman Exam

Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Well-Woman Exam

If you’re like most women, you probably have a lot of responsibilities to juggle. It may seem like the demands on your time are never-ending — and that can make it really tempting to look for obligations you can cut out — like that annoying well-woman exam. After all, you feel fine — do you really need to see your doctor for a checkup?

The answer is a resounding “yes.” What’s more, you don’t just need any annual physical — you need a well-woman exam to make sure your unique medical needs are met, especially as you get older and your health needs evolve.

As a top-ranked gynecologist on New York City’s Upper West Side, Karen F. Brodman, MD, PLLC, offers patient-centered care for women of all ages, including comprehensive well-woman exams designed to help women enjoy optimal health at every age and every stage of life. 

Here’s why it’s really important not to skip your upcoming well-woman exam, no matter how busy your schedule may be.

One exam, lots of benefits

From puberty through menopause, women’s health needs change dramatically. During the course of a lifetime, women can face health issues that are unique to them, or they may experience the same health issues as men — but in a different way.

As a skilled gynecologist, Dr. Brodman has extensive training, education, and experience in the unique health issues and challenges facing women. Having regular well-woman visits creates an ongoing record of your health as it changes through the years. That record can make it much easier for Dr. Brodman to spot emerging risk factors or very subtle changes that could indicate the early stages of a more serious medical problem.

In addition to monitoring your overall wellness, well-woman visits look for signs of health issues based on your age, your family history, and other factors. That includes monitoring for early signs of heart disease, breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoporosis, and other acute and chronic health problems. 

What to expect at your exam

Well-woman exams include many of the same evaluations as a “regular” physical, but with additional evaluations tailored to the unique needs of women. Your visit begins with an update to your medical history, along with measurements of your weight and blood pressure. 

Depending on your age and other risk factors, you might have a Pap test or HPV test, a breast exam, or a pelvic exam. Dr. Broadman tailors every visit individually, so you can feel confident you’ll receive the care that’s just right for you.

She may recommend other testing, like blood work, urinalysis, or a bone density test (especially for menopausal women). And of course, you’ll have plenty of time to discuss your specific concerns, regarding your general health or specific concerns, like birth control or sexually transmitted diseases.

Finally, Dr. Brodman makes recommendations for medical treatments or lifestyle changes to address medical concerns, reduce risk factors for chronic problems, and just help you lead your best life.

Make your health a priority

When you have a lot of demands on your time, it’s easy to put yourself last. But if you don’t take care of yourself, it’s going to be a lot harder to take care of the rest of your life — and the ones you love. By scheduling — and keeping — your well-woman exam, you can make sure you’re ready to take on life and all the responsibilities it brings your way.

To schedule your well-woman exam at our location on New York City’s Upper West Side, call 212-535-5005 or book an appointment online today.

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